Davinci Resolve scripts

On this page you will find scripts for DaVinci Resolve which you can use for free.

If you need a custom script for your organisation, please contact me at nikolai@waldmanmedia.com

Refresh clip

Refresh clip is used when you update / overwrite a clip outside DaVinci Resolve. For example a title rendered in AfterEffects which needs to be changed.

You need to close the DR project and open it again to update the title. With this script you just have the playhead over the clip and run the Refresh clip script to update the title.

The script only works for the top most video clip. So if you need to update a clip which is not on the top, please move it to the top or make a copy and place it on the top before running the script. After the update you can delete the copy.

To install it do the following:

In Finder, press Shift+Command+G to open “Go to Folder” and paste the path to open it.
/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Utility

In File Explorer, paste the path in the address bar to open it.
%ProgramData%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Fusion\Scripts\Utility

Copy the Refresh clip.lua file to this directory.

Run script from the Workspace > Scripts menu.

Zero TC clips

Sometimes the offline files created during production have a 00:00:00:00 start TC instead of the original footage timecode. When you get an EDL / XML / AAF the timecode does not match. This is when the Zero TC clips will come in handy.

Instead of having to change each clip TC to 00:00:00:00 in Clip Attributes, just select the clips in the Media Pool and run Zero TC clips

Now all selected clips have a start TC of 00:00:00:00 and now you can conform them into the timeline.

The script requires DaVinci Resolve 19.1 or later

To install it do the following:

In Finder, press Shift+Command+G to open “Go to Folder” and paste the path to open it.
/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Utility

In File Explorer, paste the path in the address bar to open it.
%ProgramData%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Fusion\Scripts\Utility

Copy the Zero TC clips.lua file to this directory.

Run script from the Workspace > Scripts menu.

Zero TC clips_24 does the same, but sets the TC to 24:00:00:00 instead of 00:00:00:00

Queue selected timelines

When you need to render many timelines with the same render settings you can use Queue selected timelines.

Create a Render preset if you want to have specific settings or use one of the predefined.

Select the timelines you want to render in the Media Pool and run Queue selected timelines.

A requester will be shown where you can select a Render preset.

Next you need to Browse to your render location.

And now the timelines will be added to the Render Queue with the selected Render Preset. You can add more timelines with other Render presets before you hit the “Render All” button.

The script requires DaVinci Resolve 19.1 or later

To install it do the following:

In Finder, press Shift+Command+G to open “Go to Folder” and paste the path to open it.
/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver

In File Explorer, paste the path in the address bar to open it.
%ProgramData%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Fusion\Scripts\Deliver

Copy the Queue selected timelines.lua file to this directory.

Run script from the Workspace > Scripts > Deliver menu.

Color Space Exchange

Sometimes you want to do a ColorTrace from another project. The grade settings will be transfered, but not the Input Color Space (DaVinci Resolve Colormanaged) or IDT (ACES). So then you need to set the color spaces for each clip so it matches the color space of the project you are ColorTracing from.

With these 2 scripts you can transfer the color space for clips between projects.

Go to the first project and use the ColorSpace Export script. You will get asked where to save the .rcm (Resolve Color Management) file.

Now open the second project and use the ColorSpace Import script. For all the clips which were present in the first project the Input Color Space or IDT will be set. Please be aware that it can only change the setting for the current timeline color management. So if you have both DRM and ACES timelines, you will need to run the ColorSpace Import script twice.

The script requires DaVinci Resolve 18.0 or later

To install it do the following:

In Finder, press Shift+Command+G to open “Go to Folder” and paste the path to open it.
/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver

In File Explorer, paste the path in the address bar to open it.
%ProgramData%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Fusion\Scripts\Deliver

Copy the ColorSpace Import.lua and the ColorSpace Export.lua files to this directory.

Run script from the Workspace > Scripts menu.