Generations, a problem or not?
When grading I sometimes get the whole film as one clip which I then split up in pieces, but I always ask my clients if they can provide me with the original files so I can conform from them. The …
When grading I sometimes get the whole film as one clip which I then split up in pieces, but I always ask my clients if they can provide me with the original files so I can conform from them. The …
The Image Systems Precision panel is a great panel, but nothing is better then a panel that you can improve yourself and this is easily done. In this tutorial I will go through two steps to improve the usability. The …
When using Davinci Resolve most of the time you use Serial nodes and in some instances you use Parallel nodes. In some cases Parallel doesn’t do the job, instead you can use Layer Mixer. If you want to have a …
If you want to display your film in a digital cinema at highest possible quality, equivalent to a 35mm film print, DCP is the way to go. DCP (Digital Cinema Package) is a world wide standard ‘file format’, playable in …
A few days ago I saw a tweet from someone who needed help with a corrupted EDL. Since I like challenges and to help out I contacted him and he sent me the EDL. The original EDL was 70 events …
The ACES system has been created by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Science technology committee in order to achieve a more accurate color pipeline, regardless which camera you are using. The idea is that this pipeline will be …
If you are working in video you will at some point find yourself using an EDL. I have found that many people barely can read an EDL so here is an explanation about what all the numbers and letters mean. …
Have you ever wanted to move a primary grade from one system to another one. For example you are on set and do a basic grade on the footage using “Iridas Speedgrade On Set” just to get a look for …
For this Tutorial I will be using Colorista Free from Red Giant Software together with Apple Final Cut Pro to create the CDL values and DaVinci Resolve from Black Magic Design to use as the final grade system. This tutorial …
In this article I will try to explain the math behind converting RGB values to HSL and back. RGB is a way to describe a color in a cube, where Red, Green and Blue are on the different axis. HSL …